Even before our world turned upside down in early 2020, we all used to ask that same burning question after long-winded meetings: could that have been an email? While all of us on the SBP team believe that team interaction is vital, we were able to quickly adapt (which the real estate world surely primed us for) and adopt new, innovative methods of collaboration from a distance. Which leads us to our next burning question: is the work-from-anywhere era here to stay? Let’s dive into the many benefits that make working remotely a cornerstone for the future.
The Benefits at a Glance
1. Companies can reduce or completely eliminate the cost of rent.2. Employees can enjoy productivity gains in comfortable at-home environments.
3. Workers get geographic flexibility, meaning they can live and/or work where they prefer to.
4. Commutes are either lessened or eradicated, resulting in a positive footprint on our earth.
5. Work-life balance is universally improved.
The Perks for Individuals
In a 2015 study by Nicholas Bloom, employees who opted into work-from-home policies saw a 13% increase in productivity. And when they were given the choice to remain at home or go back to the office after nine months, those who chose to stay home experienced another 9% increase in productivity. At a more personal level, though, individuals of all ages are experiencing a delightful array of new perks in this work-from-anywhere era. They can live closer to family. They can see more of the world while remaining employed. They gain back hours of life (and happiness) from not sitting in the car, boarding a bus or taking the train. They can get more sleep, accomplish more household work, take care of the kids without hiring a babysitter. Need we go on?
The Pros for Companies
When your employees are happy, your company thrives. It’s as simple as that. So with countless individuals reaping the rewards of a more balanced lifestyle at home, many businesses — both big and small — are seeing major spikes in employee contentment and, thus, creativity and work efficiency. Not only that, having fewer in-office employees means smaller space requirements and reduced rent costs. Why pay for massive office space if you don’t need it? Some companies are even ditching it altogether. As a result, many businesses are experiencing a greater gross profit margin.
The Gains for Society
You’re probably thinking, how does working from anywhere benefit our society? Two words: climate change. Back in 2018, the average commute for Americans was about 27 minutes each way, or around 4.5 hours each week. In Los Angeles? It’s even higher. But with the ability to work from home (or wherever you so choose), we’re able to greatly reduce emissions which, in turn, gives Mother Earth a second to recalibrate. That’s something we should all pat ourselves on the back for, no?

Are you working from anywhere? If so, where have you set up office in the world? We’d love to know — shoot us an email at [email protected] or tag us on Instagram @smithandberg and let’s chat — from the comfort of our own homes, of course.