There’s no doubt that F. Ron Smith & David Berg know a thing or two about building a strong company culture. But what about facing challenges head-on and remaining unscathed during difficult moments? That’s their forté. Because when it comes to growing a solid team, the duo knows it’s all about working hand-in-hand. For that reason, we decided to gather a few tips from Smith & Berg on how to accomplish the impossible when the going gets tough — for any kind of team.
Be clear as to why every role matters.
To pull off the imaginable, Smith & Berg always seek to acknowledge how each individual on the team (no matter their role) contributes to the team’s collective victory. But here’s where most leaders fail — they neglect the gravity of appreciation. All team members should be reminded of just how impactful their position is to the overall success of the business. So during high-stress moments, always stress individual importance.Frame difficult situations as a challenge — not a threat.
It’s easy to get lost in the heat of the moment. But when it comes to getting the team motivated during challenging situations, Smith & Berg recognize that applying more pressure will only send everyone into survival mode. That’s where building excitement instead of panic comes in clutch. Rather than saying we can’t afford to fail, it’s crucial to relay positive messaging along the lines of we can absolutely do this or I’m excited to see how we can pull this off.
Help one another focus on what’s important.
For Smith & Berg, selfishness has no place in a company. To achieve the impossible, it’s incredibly important to offer both employees and colleagues a helping hand with filtering through priorities and staying on track with their goals. As long as everyone’s clear on what they need to do, teams are very likely to succeed. When there’s a lack of clarity, you’re headed downhill — simple as that. Communication is forever key.Always create moments of momentum.
Everyone wants to feel like they’re making progress — that’s the secret sauce for teamwide motivation and, thus, success. For that reason, Smith & Berg frequently do check-ins with team members to highlight their strengths and goals within the company. When you foster these small moments of progress, momentum builds. So when the going gets tough, the confidence to overcome is already in place. Building natural celebration points along the way makes any tough situation worthwhile.How are you inspiring your team to achieve the impossible? Like we’ve said, teamwork makes the dreamwork. So shoot us an email at [email protected] and let’s start building a network of tips and tricks on how we can all prevail, grow and improve.
*Please note that SBP follows all social distancing guidelines; many photos included are pre-pandemic.