Stay at Home Edition: Q1 2020 Recap

Tacos & Tequila


In light of these trying times, Smith & Berg Partners is pleased to introduce the Stay at Home Edition of our Q1 2020 Report. While we kicked off this quarter pre-pandemic, sales finished off strong through the end of March (even with the nationwide Safer at Home order in place). Beyond real estate news, we’ve added in some fun facts and tasty tidbits, from our favorite taco and tequila pairings (featuring local restaurants you can support right now) to SBP’s classic Stats on Stack. Give it a gander (hey, we all have plenty of time on our hands) and don’t hesitate to reach us at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the future of Los Angeles real estate in Q2. We’re optimistic that we’ll all come out of this stronger than ever.

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