SBP Dads’ Greatest Hits: Priceless Life Lessons

Tacos & Tequila


Let's be real, dads are like fountains of wisdom and humor wrapped into one package. As we gear up to celebrate Father's Day tomorrow, our team is dishing out some of the most priceless life gems our dear dads and father figures have bestowed upon us through the years. To put it simply, we’re eternally grateful for all of their profound insights and, of course, epic dad jokes. Wishing everyone a very Happy Father’s Day — your support is a guiding light in all of our lives! 

F. Ron Smith

My dad was in the military and he ran his house, filled with kids, with similar, regimented precision. In his later years, though, he became much warmer and outwardly loving to us. As a father, I outwardly demonstrate my love for my sons as much as they can stand.

David Berg

My father always used to say “kill them with kindness,” meaning you should always treat others kindly no matter how they behave.

Robert ‘Morty’ Morton

My father, Gibby, taught me to be cool in every situation in life. Obviously the hat and the sunglasses are a dead giveaway — right?

Nathan Stadler

My dad taught me the importance of marrying an amazing woman. And the importance of great hair.

Brandon Smith

Valid from year to year: "If you don't ask, you don't get." One of my dad's favorite quotes and something I have grown to appreciate more over the years. I think it's his take on Gretzky's "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take," but I like Ron's better.

Ryan Bergum

From my dad...anything in life worth having is worth working for.

Kristin Alexander

My dad always says, “Don’t stress or overthink too much; it always works out.”

Krista Masella

My dad has taught me countless life lessons, but one that stands out is the importance of showing kindness and being there for those you love. Whether it's family, friends, or even strangers, he always extends a helping hand, even when it's inconvenient. He has the biggest heart and spreads joy and laughter wherever he goes. Every day, I am grateful to call him dad. 

Courtney Welsh

My dad taught me that what you choose to do in life is not worth pursuing unless you commit to doing it at the highest level. His professional and personal accomplishments reflect this sentiment to a T.

Parisa Schnider

I learned from my dad to wake up early and hustle!

Natalie Gurevitch

My dad always said “never hit first, but you always have a right to defend yourself.” Literally and figuratively.


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